Getting active your way

20 October 2020

Here are a few handy hints to think about before getting active, as well as some tips to help you fit physical activity into your busy life.

First of all…

Consider your reasons for becoming more active 

It’s important to understand your goals. For some it will be about reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. For others, it could be improving cardiovascular fitness, increasing their range of motion, or purely for the mental health benefits.

Find what’s right for you

If you don’t enjoy running, don’t do it. If gyms aren’t your thing, don’t join one. Finding something you enjoy can be half the battle, but once you do, you’re more likely to stick to it and make it a regular habit. Variety is important if you get bored easily and, depending on what your goals are, different activities will bring different health benefits. For example:

Aerobic activity, such as running, swimming and cycling will help to increase cardiorespiratory fitness, as well as make you feel good afterwards. More commonly known as our ‘happy hormones’, our body releases endorphins when we exercise, triggering a positive feeling. Once the body is used to doing this type of exercise, it also adapts and becomes more efficient, which can increase motivation too.

Resistance training is not only effective for strengthening muscles, but also the connective tissues that surround the joints; your ligaments, tendons and cartilage. 

Many people tend to worry that resistance work or ‘strength training’ might make them look too muscular when, in fact, it provides so many more benefits depending on the type of training you do. For example, basic squats, lunges, press ups, etc. can be really good for our posture and supporting our joints, as well as helping us to maintain bone density and muscle mass, which we start to lose as we get older. 

Yoga and Pilates, and other relaxation based practices can provide many benefits to health and wellbeing. They are easily accessible, can be practised in the comfort of your own home and often require minimal equipment. There are many online tutorials and classes to get stuck into, so give one a go.

Pilates is focused on developing and strengthening the muscles in the body that we don’t necessarily see. Alongside this, it helps to align posture and improve strength, and is particularly good for those who may be starting out on their fitness journey, coming back from injury or who experience back pain.

So, once you know what you want to achieve and what’s right for you, how’s best to fit it all in?

Finding time

There’s always time, if you really dig deep. It might mean getting up earlier, or using your lunch break, toddler nap time, or prepping your dinners at the weekend to free up more time in the evening for a post-work wiggle. That social media rabbit-hole we often find ourselves in – imagine less time hunched over our phones scrolling and more time moving.

If you really don’t have time – for example if you have a busy week coming up – it’s useful to know that even small amounts of activity can be beneficial to our physical and mental health. In fact, this activity breaks up time spent sitting and can have positive lasting effects on our long-term health.

Home workouts

There are times when you may not feel like leaving the house, especially in winter, that’s fine - we hear you! A home workout isn’t any less effective than going out for a run, cycle, swim, or gym – and you save time because you haven’t had to go anywhere. You can create a little home workout circuit, using stairs, chairs or sofas for your resistance exercises. Just pick 5 or 6 moves to repeat, 10 times each – then complete 3 to 5 rounds, or however many you can fit into 20 minutes.

Habit stacking

One way of finding time for physical activity and maintaining consistency is to attach an activity onto something you already do. For example, can you do 20 squats while brushing your teeth every morning? How about 10 press ups while you wait for the kettle to boil? Repeating the same activity at the same time every day will help it become effortless and engrained into your lifestyle.

Everyone’s health journey is different, there’s no single ‘correct’ way, as we all find joy in different activities, whether that’s with family, friends or on your own. But what’s certain is that once you’ve found your feelgood activity, you won’t look back – and when life throws curveballs and you find yourself off the wagon – it’s so much easier to get back on.

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