Fast access to cancer diagnosis and treatment

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Comprehensive Cancer Cover

All health worries can be stressful. However, when one of your employees is worried about possible or diagnosed cancer, this can have a big impact on their life and on their loved ones.

At AXA Health, with our Treatment with Comprehensive Cancer Cover option, we aim to help your employee manage the impact of cancer on their mind, body and life. They'll also have access to experienced specialists and expert-led treatments and facilities. We also aim to reduce the impact of cancer on their wider health, as well as being there to support them and their family. 

An Outpatient option should be selected if you have chosen the Treatment with Comprehensive Cancer Cover option and would like to have outpatient cover for the initial diagnosis (specialist consultations and diagnostic tests). 

Availability of the Treatment with Comprehensive Cancer Cover option is subject to medical history.

Supporting you every step of the way

  • Prompt access to expert help. We’re making it as easy as possible for people to get a quick and accurate diagnosis. With AXA Health, there’s no need to get a GP referral for skin, prostate1 and breast concerns – your employee would just need to call us and we’d arrange for them to get the right diagnostic appointment or assessment (please note: this is available to members aged 18 and over for skin and breast concerns and available to members aged 40 and over for prostate concerns). You'll need to include the Diagnostics Only option or an Outpatient option on your plan. 
  • Dedicated support. If your employee receives a cancer diagnosis, AXA Health will provide them with a Dedicated Cancer Case Manager who will help them navigate the complexities of treatment and support them every step of the way.
  • 24/7 support. We provide round the clock access to health practitioners via our 24/7 health support line. Speak to our specialist cancer and heart nurses 9am-5pm Monday – Friday. Outside these hours our experienced nurses, counsellors and pharmacists are here to support you. 
  • Health Coaching. We offer a dedicated health coaching service for people with cancer. It is delivered by a trained Health Coach who can provide expert advice and support with health and wellbeing goals needed as a result of cancer and treatment.
  • Fatigue management. For members diagnosed with cancer, we provide access to the app Untire, which helps reduce the impact of one of the most common side effects of cancer and its treatment - cancer-related fatigue.
  • Freedom to choose treatment at home. We provide members with the option to choose to receive chemotherapy in the comfort and privacy of their own home, where clinically appropriate.
  • Access to drugs and treatment. We want to help you get healthy and on your way to recovery as much as possible. That's why if your specialist recommends it, we'll pay for licensed drugs when they are used within the terms of their licence and covered by the plan.

1For prostate concerns, a confirmed raised PSA report is required in order to access diagnostics. This could be obtained from an NHS GP, a wellbeing check or through a self-pay service.

Talking to an expert to reduce the worry

Sarah is 42 and is part of a team of 20 accountants. Last week, Sarah noticed that a mole on her right leg seemed to have changed colour from how she remembered it looking. She had been struggling to sleep at night for the past few nights as she had been worrying about the mole. 

Sarah checked her AXA Health membership and saw that she had the Outpatient option as part of her business health insurance cover. She called us on her lunchbreak and answered a few questions so we could find out which service was right for her. Sarah didn't need to see her GP, we were able to refer her to Check4Cancer who arranged an appointment for her in a few days' time. 

At the appointment, a skin cancer nurse photographed the mole. These photographs were then sent for analysis by a specialist consultant, using the latest technology (dermoscopy) and the results were sent to Sarah within five working days.

The specialist's diagnosis was that Sarah's mole was an early stage melanoma. As Sarah had the Treatment with Comprehensive Cancer Cover option included in her business health insurance cover, she was able to have surgery to have the melanoma removed in a private hospital the following week. She was then able to go home the same day to rest and recover. 

Four weeks later, Sarah was invited back for a follow up appointment with the consultant who performed her procedure. The consultant ran through the results of the surgery with Sarah and informed her that they believed they were able to remove all of the melanoma during the surgery meaning that Sarah did not require any follow up treatment.

Please note, the above is a fictional scenario to illustrate how our cancer cover can work.

Dedicated Cancer Care nurses

If your employee has cancer, they need more than just treatment. They need real support from real people. To reassure them. Raise their spirits. Calm their fears. People like Mandy, and all the other members of our clinically trained Cancer Care team, who know how much a cancer diagnosis affects lives and the extraordinary difference they can make by just being there.

What our members say

"AXA Health were very responsive and so empathetic to my needs and kept me informed throughout. The Cancer Care team have been amazing - so kind and caring." - Mrs Curling, Wiltshire 

"This is the first time I have used private healthcare and I was not sure how it worked. AXA Health made it all very easy to arrange an appointment and cover the costs. I was seen quickly and treated with courtesy and care." - Mrs Wheelar, Surrey

What this option will pay for



Our Treatment option with Comprehensive Cancer Cover will pay for:

  • Surgery for the treatment of cancer, so long as it is conventional treatment
  • Drug treatment to kill cancer cells including biological therapies and chemotherapy
  • Diagnostic tests as an in-patient or day-patient
  • Specialist fees for the specialist treating your cancer when you are an in-patient or day-patient
  • Diagnostic tests as an out-patient when ordered by the specialist treating your cancer
  • CT, MRI and PET scans
  • Specialist consultations with the specialist treating your cancer when you are an out-patient
  • Radiotherapy including when it is used to relieve pain
  • Chemotherapy at home - by intravenous drip, injection or oral tablets
  • Reconstructive surgery following breast cancer
  • Cover for follow up consultations and reviews for cancer
  • Palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy to relieve pain or other symptoms that cure cancer

To find out what else this option will pay for, call us on 0800 389 7413* or request a callback

Health coaching for members having cancer treatment

We recognise the importance of giving the best support to people undergoing cancer treatment. So, we’ve created a dedicated health coaching service. It’s been designed by clinical experts to give your employees a helping hand so they can feel more like themselves.

Members undergoing cancer treatment will have access to a six-month programme of health coaching if they are struggling with things such as weight loss or gain, loss of appetite or taste, exercise, sleep, blood pressure or sugar, smoking, alcohol reduction and more.

Here’s how it works:

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Small business cancer diagnosis and claims process

When a member of your team is worried about possible cancer, it can be difficult to think about anything else. They will want to speak to a medical professional quickly, so they can get the answers they need. 

We've created a guide that answers some FAQs about how our cancer diagnosis and claims process works for our small business health insurance at AXA Health, so you and your team can know exactly what to expect. 

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Included as standard:

Regardless of the cover options that you choose, you'll have access to the following included as standard with your small business insurance plan:

  • 24/7 online GP service - Access to our 24/7 phone and video GP service, AXA Doctor at Hand (powered by Doctor Care Anywhere). Appointments are subject to availability. Advanced Clinical Practitioners available 8am-10pm. 
  • Access to muscle, bone and joint support - You and your team aged 18 and over get access to a physiotherapist over the phone or online, without the need for a GP referral.
  • Health information phone line - Our helpline is open 24/7 for health information and support from nurses and counsellors. Midwives and pharmacists are available from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday, until 4pm on Saturday, and until 12pm on Sunday.
  • Heart and cancer support - Speak to our experienced health practitioners  on the phone - they can support you and your family when living with heart and cancer conditions.
  • Access to gym discounts - In addition to your healthcare cover, you can get up to 40% off monthly Nuffield Health Fitness and Wellbeing centre memberships and Hussle Monthly+ pass fees for you and your employees. So your team can find their motivation, whether they’re training for a marathon or just getting started. Offers are subject to change and do not form part of insured benefits. Get more information and terms and conditions.

What's not covered?

As with most private healthcare plans, there are exclusions and limitations. For example, our Treatment with Comprehensive Cancer Cover option is not available to any person who has previously had cancer. If you'd like to find out more about what is and isn't covered, call us on 0800 389 7413* or request a callback

Call us on 0800 389 7413*
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Build a plan that's right for you and your business

At AXA Health, we know that every small business is unique. That’s why we offer a choice of healthcare cover options and benefits that you can select from, so that you only pay for the cover you want.1

Choose your cover options to create a package that works best for you and your team. For more help, speak to one of our advisers on 0800 389 7413*

1If you are buying cover for 1-2 people only, you will need to include either the Treatment option or the Diagnostics Only option in your plan.

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We’re proud that our Business Health plan has been rated 5 stars by independent financial information business, Defaqto. The Defaqto 5-star rating is based on an assessment of the overall product including all options. If some of the options are not selected, this will affect the product’s star rating.

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*Phone lines are open 8:30am-5:30pm Monday to Friday. We may record and/or monitor calls for quality assurance, training and as a record of our conversation.