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Business support when dealing with cancer

How we can support your business if an employee has cancer

It’s reassuring for our members to know they have access to cancer experts, responsive and supportive services, and fast, expert treatment. By offering AXA Health cover for your employees, they know they’ll be in the best hands possible should the worst happen.

In a Macmillan survey, 87% of people employed when diagnosed with cancer also said it was important for them to continue working after their diagnosis1. So it’s crucial that your employees feel supported from the outset, and that you and their colleagues know how to help.

We'll work with you to face the complexities cancer brings to a business. Our occupational health team can help you with practical adjustments to support your employees and line managers. The following occupational health services are separate from your healthcare scheme.

A survey of 1,000 line managers revealed only 36% feel well equipped to support employees with cancer2.

Working together to face the challenge of cancer

We want to help you make informed decisions that support your employees and meet the demands this complex illness could place on your workforce.

Contact us today to discuss cancer support for your business. 

1. Macmillan Cancer Support survey of 1,500 people, 2018.
2. Macmillan Cancer Support survey, of 1,000 line managers, 2018